This is a very good Red, Gold deck i have come up with I think it's good 'cause I have beaten people with this deck that Were Using the World Championship Preconstructed Decks Even Jakub Slemr's (No disrespect to any Anyone's decks they're my idols that made those ya know.) Anyway Thanx E-mail Me for suggestions at Gold: 1. Diabolic Vision 1. Fire Covenant 1. Sealed Fate 1. Axelrod Gunnarson Artifacts: 1. Nevinyrral's Disk 1. Ruby Medallion 2. Iron Star 1. Glasses of Urza 1. Ashnod's Transmogrant Lands: 22. Mountains 6 . Swamps 7 . Plains 6 . Islands 1 . Urza's Tower 1 . Urza's Mine 1 . Urza's Power Plant White: 1 . Wrath of God 1 . CoP:Red 1 . CoP:Green 1 . CoP:White 1 . CoP:Black 1 . CoP:Blue 2 . Serra Angel 5 . Healing salve Red: 2 . Incenerate 1 . Ironclaw Orcs 1 . Bogardan Firefiend 2 . Giant Strength 1 . Burning Sheild Askari 1 . Barreling Attack 1 . Orcish Conscripts 2 . Viashino Sandstalker 3 . Stone Rain 1 . Kaervek's Torch 1 . Fit of Rage 2 . Pyrotechnics 3 . Fireball 1 . Talruum Champion 2 . Stone Giant 2 . Atog 2 . Firebreathing 1 . Fire Elemental 1 . Shivan Dragon 1 . Jokulhaups 1 . Disintegrate 1 . Rock Slide 3 . Shatter 1 . Errantry 1 . Sawtooth Ogre 1 . Keldon Warlord 2 . Goblin War Drums 1 . Brassclaw Orcs 1 . Mountain Goat 2 . Imposing Visage 1 . Dwarven Berserker 2 . Thunderbolt 1 . Fire Whip 1 . Hurloon Minotaur 1 . Dwarven Vigilantes ThAnX 4 dLOading ThIs deck i made make any alterations to make it better and post it back up on AoL So just make sure you put the original author was Gvirus98 Or g\/î®ü§*9-8*